Surf Careers: Liv Hung, founder of Noorish Tofino Retreats

Surf Careers: Liv Hung, founder of Noorish Tofino Retreats

Our Surf Careers series takes us to Canada this time, British Columbia to be exact. Where Liv Hung founded the Noorish Tofino Retreats, while working as a marketing consultant and raising her twin boys.
Liv Hung
When did you get into surfing?
I first tried surfing in New Zealand around 2007 - I was 26/27 at the time so a late starter
What did you do before launching Noorish Retreats?
I am well into my 30s now with 5 year old twin boys at home. I worked for many years as a digital marketing strategist and media planner at an advertising agency. After that I left to do my own marketing consultancy and taught part-time at a local university. My children took over my professional life for a while and I'm getting back into the swing of things now with some freelance work I do for clients and of course launching my travel women's retreat company, Noorish Tofino Retreats (
You studied marketing, did surfing influence your choice of studies?
Not deliberately as I didn't surf at the time of university. However, my education and work experience now dovetails nicely into what I do for work.
Liv Hung
What inspires you most in your personal and professional life?
I'm always inspired by others - friends, family, my husband and children I love meeting other women  and hearing about their stories and experiences. I'm not sure anyone in particular inspired the path that I took but it's a multitude of people I've met along the way.  Rather it became an obvious choice and a  strategic plan that I wanted my life to take. I believe in creating visions, or what I call Dream Making on our retreats, and I applied that same principle to my own life and career. I have always evaluated where I am in life every couple of years and I like to draw out various immediate, short and long term scenarios. 
"I  believe in creating visions, or what I call Dream Making on our retreats,
and I applied that same principle to my own life and career."
Liv Hung
What does your typical working day look like?
The morning consists of kids school run and meeting/working with clients. By around lunch or 1pm I wind down and take a break and if time permits I try to fit in a work out. I work on Noorish pretty much anytime I have time - after the kids go to bed at 8:30pm until 10:30pm and anytime during the day I could be answering inquiries, planning trip details, working on marketing and PR or producing content. 
Has your education or career taken you to places you might not have been to?
My current role as Creator of Noorish Tofino Retreats mean I will have a chance to build travel and surfing into my career. I set a goal of wanting to get paid to travel and now it's becoming a reality. 
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
I see myself as an established entrepreneur and business owner, with Noorish Tofino expanding to various locations in partnership with Dryftwater Sports, our premier partner. I would like to add my voice and representation to the diverse community of female surfers out there - one for moms and as a woman of colour. I hope to spend more time in my home base in Tofino with my kids, surfing with them and traveling with them more around the world as they will be 10.
"Travel often and broaden your mind and life experiences."
Liv Hung SUP
What advice would you give to others who'd like to combine their passion for watersports with a career?
No matter what, focus on getting a strong education first in whatever field that may be. It can be related to water sports or not but make the most out of your university experience. Travel often and broaden your mind and life experiences. Be open to trying out different roles and ideas as you explore what works for you. When you start to narrow the field down, be sure to keep putting yourself out there and connect with as many people as possible. We are human beings after all, and making true and deep connections will help you find supporters and mentors. Keep your goals and vision in mind and don't let fear or negativity weigh you down. There will be doubters; don't let them sway you. Believe in you - you are the writer of your own life story.
Be kind, loving, open. Never worry about what others will think or say about you. Everything will be just fine.


Stay tuned for our 'Surf Destinations' Series, where we will be looking at some of the best surf destinations for women across the world, including Liv's Noorish Retreats.

Website: Noorish Tofino Retreats

Instagram: @noorishtofino and @abellelife

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